Cottage Life will help you enjoy life at the lake even more with fun and informative articles on everything from how-to projects to inspirational design ideas.
PLUS you’ll get...
To become the best kayaker in the world, this three-time Olympian trains on the never-ending waterways of Ontario’s Algonquin Park.
To celebrate our 25th year, you told us what you love best about the cottage.
Have way more fun this summer, pardner! Learn how to ride taller, shoot straighter, fling a mean horseshoe, and 27 more cottage skills.
In its 125 years, Longuissa cottage has hosted diplomats, statesmen, and Hollywood royalty.
In the mood for a party? Cottage Life’s founding editor serves up some Caribbean-style food that never fails to get the celebration going.
A new way to fish; Hook, line, and sinker by kayak; Bala band; Art camp; Anniversaries; Reporter; Summer reading; Award-winning rescue product; Camouflage for cellphone towers
Smart storage bins; mitre saws; save a wet phone; building inspector; two deck helpers; clever tricks for storing boats, tools, and hardware
Missing loons; selling a steep lot; water softeners; light pollution; attach a swim ladder to rock
The next 25 years: Cottage country, and your cottage, in the future.
First aid for cottage dogs (and cats)
Do wind farms make people sick?
We’ve come a long way: I remember when…
The action heats up in summer for the curious, solitary marten.
Happy 25th Anniversary, everyone!